Those oozing stacks grow – April 2023

I want to tell of carcasses stacked tall
Of honey dried out at crusty summer’s fall
That bridge appeared and beckoned passers-by
To give the yonder ravine’s edge a try.

So you and her, cutting through the weeds —
Trudged, creaking, above the misty deeps
In search of fire to warm your tender skin
or adventure’s strike to bake you from within.
But an hour’s passed and still ye edge along
uncertain heartbeats pound a booming song.

All while we howl and screech out for you
“Oh lovelies, you’ve never seen splendors more true
than that which awaits all who cross the border
and abides by our master’s all-knowing order”
Put candidly, just once, for the hatchlings to our realm
Take a dive, be immersed, as a feather to inkwell.

You smirked and wrote verse, your spirits were high
Eager for the taverns where they’ll chant your hero’s cry
And so ye arrive, dock on our shores
waves hit with sting, mixing afters and befores
Drowning on the cliff, you hold each other tight
Swords drawn, side by side, ready for the fight…

…Excuse me, dear listener,
I’ll divulge nothing more.
Our master
would rather
cast shadows
than lore.

I promised sick tales of flesh piled high
but suffice it to know
those oozing stacks grow
with each ripe passerby.