Untitled – August 2023

A giant in the shoes of a man
A god wrapped in a mortal’s pelt
A beggar assuming a rich man’s svelte
A one-trick pony who wows again.

All those they rose under a cool twilight eve
With friends and unknowns alike
A savory potluck among salty waves reaching
Ever closer, ‘neath the call of soft moonlight.

But from the water’s flesh, soggy cripples emerged
Each more grotesque than the last
Until the bastard crew’s final lizard
Crawled out, terrorizing the virgin grass.

   « Oh ! How he howled like a pig
   all mixed up in his own blood
   and his own foul slime! »

The giant, at this he slouched
The god took years on his shoulders
The beggar sat and wept, his appetite lost
The lame pony spooked off, driven mad by the odours.

Those hogs slabbered with haste, as if at the trough
Sweet death had complied with their final demand
All noble spirits on the shore had crumpled
For heavy are the souls of the damned.