Untitled night – February 2023

Her animal lay wild,
hunched, and prowling in its cage
with iron bars made brittle by
the advance of our seduction.
Then one day she pounced and bared
— Breathing with her whole body like an organ.
An affront to what I used to know as “passion”.

At once the wilderness subsided
and we both froze then melted.
She stepped fully into me,
hesitation revealed to be
footprints parting in the sand
as evening tide approaches.
— Call it a kind of destiny
we’d read between the waves.

So I gave myself relentlessly,
inspired by that ferocity
eager claws know well to be
lurking beneath the dirt.
And finally, when she drew blood,
evinced our last temptation
— We shared her gristle-ridden lair
fused together, cast in crimson.