Bryan Kaperick's Website

Poetry – Bryan Kaperick's Website


This page can get rather personal, as poetry tends to be, so proceed at your own risk.

I would categorize my personal style as somewhere between derivative and cringe. Of course, I’m open to all sorts of feedback.

Works that inspire me

On First Looking into Chapman’s Homer – John Keats

Much have I travell’d in the realms of gold,
And many goodly states and kingdoms seen;
Round many western islands have I been
Which bards in fealty to Apollo hold.
Oft of one wide expanse had I been told
That deep-brow’d Homer ruled as his demesne;
Yet did I never breathe its pure serene
Till I heard Chapman speak out loud and bold:
Then felt I like some watcher of the skies
When a new planet swims into his ken;
Or like stout Cortez when with eagle eyes
He star’d at the Pacific—and all his men
Look’d at each other with a wild surmise—
Silent, upon a peak in Darien.

Kubla Khan – Samuel Taylor Coleridge

    Or, a vision in a dream. A Fragment.

In Xanadu did Kubla Khan
A stately pleasure-dome decree:
Where Alph, the sacred river, ran
Through caverns measureless to man
     Down to a sunless sea.
So twice five miles of fertile ground
With walls and towers were girdled round;
And there were gardens bright with sinuous rills,
Where blossomed many an incense-bearing tree;
And here were forests ancient as the hills,
Enfolding sunny spots of greenery.

But oh! that deep romantic chasm which slanted
Down the green hill athwart a cedarn cover!
A savage place! as holy and enchanted
As e’er beneath a waning moon was haunted
By woman wailing for her demon-lover!
And from this chasm, with ceaseless turmoil seething,
As if this earth in fast thick pants were breathing,
A mighty fountain momently was forced:
Amid whose swift half-intermitted burst
Huge fragments vaulted like rebounding hail,
Or chaffy grain beneath the thresher’s flail:
And mid these dancing rocks at once and ever
It flung up momently the sacred river.
Five miles meandering with a mazy motion
Through wood and dale the sacred river ran,
Then reached the caverns measureless to man,
And sank in tumult to a lifeless ocean;
And ’mid this tumult Kubla heard from far
Ancestral voices prophesying war!
     The shadow of the dome of pleasure
     Floated midway on the waves;
     Where was heard the mingled measure
     From the fountain and the caves.
It was a miracle of rare device,
A sunny pleasure-dome with caves of ice!

     A damsel with a dulcimer
     In a vision once I saw:
     It was an Abyssinian maid
     And on her dulcimer she played,
     Singing of Mount Abora.
     Could I revive within me
     Her symphony and song,
     To such a deep delight ’twould win me,
That with music loud and long,
I would build that dome in air,
That sunny dome! those caves of ice!
And all who heard should see them there,
And all should cry, Beware! Beware!
His flashing eyes, his floating hair!
Weave a circle round him thrice,
And close your eyes with holy dread
For he on honey-dew hath fed,
And drunk the milk of Paradise.

Compliment – John Updike

We were both of two minds about adultery
and wasted our couple of stolen hours
half-undressed in the Afternoon Motel
kissing and drinking and doubting and forgoing.
She had never betrayed her husband before.
I said, “O.K., so don’t, let’s not. This has been
a lot of fun in any case.”
But something inquisitive in her, in Eve,
would not move back from the brink,
and after the longest, gentlest time lying
side by side on the still-intact rented bed
(I admiring her upper lip while it twitched
in well-phrased trepidation, time running out),
there was a surge as in a written exam
when the answer had suddenly come to her;
we completed the half left un- (see above),
and the shy sea-creature of her ferny pubic hair
gave me something else to admire, and
a new aroma to activate my briny deeps.
She was sweetly tight but not dry, not quite
a virgin. “O.K.?” I asked, half guilty,
glancing over at her proximate profile.
Tremulous eyelids nervily closed upon
a dreaming vision of the fallen world’s dooms,
and all the web of her sensation bent
to hold the pulsing bulk of this new captive,
she breathed the single smiling word “Terrific.”

People at Night – Rainer Maria Rilke

Nights were not made for the crowds, and they sever
You from your neighbor, so you shall never
Seek him, defiantly, at night.
But if you make your dark house light,
To look on strangers in your room,
You must reflect—on whom.

False lights that on men’s faces play
Distort them gruesomely.
You look upon a disarray,
A world that seems to reel and sway,
A waving, glittering sea.
On their foreheads gleams a yellow shine
Where thoughts are chased away.
Their glances flicker mad from wine,
And to the words they say
Strange heavy gestures make reply,
That struggle in the buzzing room;
And they say always, “I” and “I”;
And mean—they know not whom.

My works

The lake – September 2024

Dusk called you on a quest for your reflection.
Comment dire le fait de "se remettre en question" ?
Lounging at the lake brim,
the water showed an unfamiliar apparition.

You looked, in search of a placid reassurance.
He stared back with a rippling insolence,
gripping in its wickedness,
quick to erode the fangs of your innocence.

So you're swimming in the mire of your contrapart
with anguish shining cleaner than its grime depart.
Dawn wakes you with a start,
for the spirit of the lake has replaced your heart.

Ode (with love) to the gr10 – August 2024

All 'round the mountains, the walkers wake.
Beneath the drizzle, their coffees bake.
High up where shadows drift on clouds' wake,
whole legions eager to this quest undertake.

The stone remains stoic, as always, it seems.
Even now when with all of these leeches it teems.
Bundles in coats beyond Joseph's dreams,
even the pack's cost counted in reams

of fabric exceeds all that for a king.
If counting the contents, add that of his offspring.
Hannibal's slaves would've killed for such things!
Or herders of sheep on this trail they were blazing.

No planting or sowing, they're just passers-by,
equipped with aluminum sticks they fly.
Oh! How the Catalan cattle bells cry
at wannabe Magellans and Sisyphi.

Da isy – July 2024

Sunlight stained your bedroom walls.
You and I hid baking in the sheets.
Eyes shut, we searched
and found each other’s skin
still damp from the night.
We took turns sinking back into sleep,
fleeing our obligations to The Greats
who paved the city streets.

After noon we emerged
to face the day:
our groggy eyes opened;
your dimples glistened.
We feasted
on beauty eternal, carved into stone
and on beauty fleeting, your tender lips
wrapped around a burning cigarette.

You took your last drag.
And from the ashes,
a daisy was born,
meant only to wilt.
And so I tried
to catch each petal as it fell.

As if. – July 2024

She’s a mystery.
As if I wanted to cling on to her drapes
to reveal a clouded sky.
As if I wanted to know.
As if she wanted the same.
As if I didn’t mull
for some time before she woke
over whether my fingers
could lace into hers. Now it’s
as if the thought never entered
my mind, but
it hasn’t left either,
as if it’s been
gliding around inside
for an eternity already.

As if I couldn’t see when you were
lying. I lied back as if
you couldn’t do the same. As if
I didn’t see how you two said
goodbye. Him all red and smiling as if
he were drunk. As if
I didn’t look down to
see his red, drunk, smiling hand
brush your waist as he turned
to walk away, as if
I weren’t there, as if
I didn’t care. As if
I cared.

As if sex were a commitment.
As if it didn’t exist only in the instant.
As if thoughts of your sex had been
gliding around inside
for an eternity already.

Untitled – June 2024

Morning growls
While the di-named lioness
In exhaling betrays
Her thoughts hidden still
On that hillside crest
Where our fallen arms defined us
As the grass defined the meadow.

Free to float – May 2024

If he could float from tree to tree,
on which clichés he’d perch?
Barefoot on her knife’s edge,
or rocking the cradle to ease
back to sleep.
Back to dream states
where men, like birds,
are free to float from tree to tree.

While in decline – May 2024

The sun still shines while in decline
And bees slave all their lives
Sea waves collapse in foamy smacks
And trees in hollow snaps.

A man may choose to honey bathe
Or surf the lightning’s strike
But he like all must heed the call
Of sunset on his back.

Untitled triad – May 2024

Break my bones
            if you want to
                        I’ll wait

For them to heal before
            I call you

And when I do
            I’ll come to you
                        and crack yours too

The fractures’ll fill
            us one
                        with the other

The reluctant sheet
            can fall
                        between our feet

Moroccan mist – May 2024

Moroccan mist evaporates away
From all the dusty hash that filled our lungs
An offer Flo a coffee kind of day
Afloat but crooked, far from ferry’s strait.

We’d rather stop for cars and caravans
We waited wafting in the evening gas
To every city vite-fait brined in wine
For Tim as well who kept the rhythm’s beat.

Till Basque I surfed to take the solo lead
Far from the hold of Silvio’s belay
Without a name I spun that game of chance
And downed those drunken sips of Leah’s sweet.

Watch – May 2024

Watch through the window
the mug that wobbles unprompted
wait wait and watch
the shards that settle among the crumbs
wait outside an hour
after the shatter settles
and the lowly he rises
to lick the spill off the tile
like a dog

Untitled – April 2024

Puddles stain the pavement
under sun’s afternoon
trampled by the tourists'
dampened leather shoes.

Slouching on a concrete bench
sidelining the plaza,
he’s chewing on some homesick
and his heart’s beating blue.

The doghouse – April 2024

Awakened in a troubling grime,
the morning crawls out of the doghouse
to confront its own ragged, plastic self.
It whinges, squeaks, shudders
and slumps back inside,
packed in with the other.

Their mammalian hides
side by side - crystalline.
In heavy wimpers
one expands while the other contracts.
Both frightened
by the heightened sense that lasts
dew-dampened before the fall
of noon’s eventual descent.

Un mardi soir – March 2024

Du temps perdu
sous la pluie
d’un mardi soir.
Trempé, il se déchire tout seul
quand on essaie de ramasser
ce qui en reste de la table
après qu’elle parte.

The tower – February 2024

His eyes and Hers align to keep
panoptic, periodic rhyme at sea
and frothy mermen arms outreached
for prey who slips away beneath
the tower’s twin-turn stare.

Frustrated shadows lurk below
for sheer is water as it flows
firmly caught within the tow
of Their revolving omniglow
where washed-up mysteries lay bare.

Then one night the twin pair winked —
Her brother fell from tower’s brink.
Straight He dove and straight He’ll sink.
Sister waterlogged by weeps,
She cast Her duty off without a care.

Storms arise when rhythm’s lost,
sirens shriek like albatross,
long-drowned urchins shed their moss,
nocturne barges glide across
the purview of a watch in disrepair.

By dawn Her misery ossified.
A corroded heart beats in half-time
all while shadows grow twice as wide.
Her mood now high and low like tide
ever bound to the pull of out there.

In the dark – January 2024

Pinned to dusk and strung like wire
Tower the branches' fractal spires

A brass bell drones with windy pull
Dull reverberations chill the air
Birdlings dream and spiders' drool
Seeps into webs of waxen stare

Never a crack nor rust nor grime
Hours to ages pierce without remark
The lonesome architect’s got time
To manufacture beauty in the dark

These streaks will soon be printed on the dawn
Where fractal spires linger on and on.

A cool, dry place – January 2024

Sitting pristine in her sleeve
plastic shrink wrapped unscratched
unplayed her ways unheard
wait to be
instead left
bought and forgot
In a cool, dry place.

Could she ever do what others do ?
Be used as lovers use ?

Cut up and torn off
clicked nicked greased up and down
soaked and dried
out spun around and flexed
And also
one day forgotten

Then they’ll do what others do,
And leave as lovers leave.

Set to dust collecting
spores or moss tossed
under another
overplayed eventually clichéd
wedged among the others
In a cool, dry place.

2023 (20 poems)

Monorhyme sketch #3 – December 2023

Goldilocks was feeling bold,
For each bear was poured a bowl.
Her belly roiled with each spoonful:
Cold, more cold, and much more cold.

Monorhyme sketch #2 – November 2023

Play back the track slow with all ears clear
Sycophants’ll scatter off or cower with fear
Honest men’ll settle in, lonesomely austere
Chimney fire cackling to toss another beer.

Monorhyme sketch #1 – November 2023

Alcohol is entropy, and entropy is time
Hungover before I transitively unwind.
Wilted flowers wither while I dine on rotten wine
And ever wet the whistle of a lover once mine.

Ode to Sami – November 2023

Our man’s evaporated — gone.
After the party rises dawn
A quiet, calmer house he leaves
Infused with that which he believes.
Now off to scrub ancestral mire
From the grounds of Imane’s spire
For shines a hope in progeny
That’s barely grazed by coloc-amis.

As he ascends to the fourth floor
We’re sewing stitches evermore
His scalpel sketched the lessons learned
Into our cheeks the stories burn
Red-raw from cold or rush of blood
At Sami’s wisdom understood.

Chicory root – October 2023

An afternoon with chicory root
My heart respires a holler and hoot
Sans caffeine so must be due
À la frange d’Aubrée, surtout

Untitled couples – October 2023

Bound up inside, a voice he wimpers on,
“Bring back the soft of touch that long has gone…”

What waste of blood to keep that louse around
— I’ll take my heart to firm or fertile ground.

I peer upstream to tempt the river’s way
When new soleil he shines and dawns the day.

My thrill it shimmers on the sandy cusp
Of virgin plain untouched by Sodom’s rust.

I’ll feign defense to pangs that thrust me out
Beyond the surface dissipating shroud.

With that I’ll rise above the tar that blinds
Before I’ve found the words for th’other side.

Limp – October 2023

As I ran by I saw you lying
limp along the sidewalk
Unforced serendipity
I didn’t watch the clock

You seemed as well as one could seem
prostrate on the floor
Peaceful even, drowned amidst
the waves of foreign shore

I wondered how you landed here
your wings a crumpled mess
A fall from sunlight’s brazen stare
onto my path ingressed

I lay my hand to light first flame
since summer’s hibernation
But you’ve cooled your gaze to stone
and cast it in the ocean

A raven’s lust – October 2023

A pressing matter of morning walks,
A pressure on the heart.
She marches, tramples, stomps, and stalks
My mind while we’re apart.

We both agree to guard our distance,
But hunger grows like wolf to sheep
Whose prey is stoled by thornèd fence.
A raven’s lust at bay to keep.

September slump – September 2023

Obsessively revising
Self-consuming second guessing
Seeking sense in something
set aflame by sorry selfish me.

Hiving scared hungover
from a hopeless couple months
of perfect idleness I passed beneath
your gentle glowing grange.

And once again I wash in vain
to free my will from moping
Meaning while I wait I’m anxiously aware
that every waking moment means
the more and more you drift away from me.

Hm, apparently Pompeii isn't in Greece – September 2023

It’s New Year’s Eve on Mount Vesuvius
Eruption warnings are dubious
Togas loose, libations plenty
The dance floor rumbles our favorite melody
We brink dance to Old Hades' cry
Who beckons us to chase our high
His cavelings squirm through cracks to join us
Sweet smoke consumes our rowdy chorus
And so we played as spirits fused
Unified, with stamina imbued
We’ll party on ‘til liquid rock arrives
‘Til ash and friends should come alive…

…With might was dawn’s great geyser freed
At that, our wine-dark punch bowl emptied
Thus could raise one goblet all
So that our tombstones may stand tall.

Untitled – August 2023

A giant in the shoes of a man
A god wrapped in a mortal’s pelt
A beggar assuming a rich man’s svelte
A one-trick pony who wows again.

All those they rose under a cool twilight eve
With friends and unknowns alike
A savory potluck among salty waves reaching
Ever closer, ‘neath the call of soft moonlight.

But from the water’s flesh, soggy cripples emerged
Each more grotesque than the last
Until the bastard crew’s final lizard
Crawled out, terrorizing the virgin grass.

   « Oh ! How he howled like a pig
   all mixed up in his own blood
   and his own foul slime! »

The giant, at this he slouched
The god took years on his shoulders
The beggar sat and wept, his appetite lost
The lame pony spooked off, driven mad by the odours.

Those hogs slabbered with haste, as if at the trough
Sweet death had complied with their final demand
All noble spirits on the shore had crumpled
For heavy are the souls of the damned.

Crossing your path – July 2023

I’d like to cross your path from time to time
To say ‘Hello’ and then ‘Goodbye’
And leave a little tune behind
— That once we knew by heart
Now worn with time —
To hum that song of ours.

Oh, hum that song of ours
Remind me how it goes, I’ve lost the rhyme.
While some day soon or far
You’ll sing a song I’ve never heard before
It’ll drive me mad, convinced I know the words
And how it ends, from hook to final verse.

But if that soon or far appears
Tomorrow or Today
Not sure how read’ly I’d admit
Your verse with him struck something new
And better than the one we wrote
Just for me and you.

Untitled pt. 2 – July 2023

and the end it was so brief half an hour in the park and we didnt even break open the pulco and sparkling water

she was calm as was i there was maybe a single moment where a tear was held back

oh isnt it complicated to close the book of belle hectic mornings and pale razorburnt legs out in the world lovely lovely and probably crying brutally alone in her bed as i write this

sleep will come easier as i read it back each night knowing with each recitation ill fade further onto her horizon.

Untitled – July 2023

If ever a lonely night
Should you wake in a sharp tremor
From a passing specter’s strike
Whose trailing vapors leak a sweet scent
That only you and I could recognize…

Écrase-le !
Et moi je vais faire pareil
Il n’est rien qu’un moustique qui vit de l’obscurité
Un porte-souvenir des nuits si chauds
Et ses piqûres guériront par l’aube du lendemain

Même si l’odeur persiste toujours
Cet odeur dont l’existence le matin
révèle que ce rêve
Ne vivait pas que dans ta tête
Ni que pendant la nuit

Whalebone branches – June 2023

Whalebone branches
they bellow and spill
leaves torn from their bindings
onto all the stand-buyers
in the widening gyre.

Those urchins from Ur
with their babbling burns
each scar submits a solution
“Not a 5-over-1, it’s just so overdone.”
A sober flight takes thought
with a rabid Star Fox
whose atavistic impulses
barrel-roll to steal the old
from the Niagara Cafe.

And maybe in its depths
he’ll ask directions
from the Maidens of Mist.
They’ll turn tablets to clay
declare “La vie est une scie”
buy a round for all
the hypocrites of twenty twenty-three.

Silver tongues will take a lick,
restore our faith in Moby Dick,
find ourselves like that Tarkovsky flick,
till no warm-blooded carcass persists.

Untitled – May 2023

Accro à la banalité
A la recherche d’une bière
Tellement de temps bu
Sans rien faire
Chasseurs des pique-niques
Cuites au soleil
Brillants sommes nous
Les lapins d’été

Those oozing stacks grow – April 2023

I want to tell of carcasses stacked tall
Of honey dried out at crusty summer’s fall
That bridge appeared and beckoned passers-by
To give the yonder ravine’s edge a try.

So you and her, cutting through the weeds —
Trudged, creaking, above the misty deeps
In search of fire to warm your tender skin
or adventure’s strike to bake you from within.
But an hour’s passed and still ye edge along
uncertain heartbeats pound a booming song.

All while we howl and screech out for you
“Oh lovelies, you’ve never seen splendors more true
than that which awaits all who cross the border
and abides by our master’s all-knowing order”
Put candidly, just once, for the hatchlings to our realm
Take a dive, be immersed, as a feather to inkwell.

You smirked and wrote verse, your spirits were high
Eager for the taverns where they’ll chant your hero’s cry
And so ye arrive, dock on our shores
waves hit with sting, mixing afters and befores
Drowning on the cliff, you hold each other tight
Swords drawn, side by side, ready for the fight…

…Excuse me, dear listener,
I’ll divulge nothing more.
Our master
would rather
cast shadows
than lore.

I promised sick tales of flesh piled high
but suffice it to know
those oozing stacks grow
with each ripe passerby.

Bruges pluie blues – March 2023

Il plu dans cette vielle ville
Pendant ces vacances débiles
Où j’accompagne mes parents
Qui connaissent Bruges d’un film

Untitled night – February 2023

Her animal lay wild,
hunched, and prowling in its cage
with iron bars made brittle by
the advance of our seduction.
Then one day she pounced and bared
— Breathing with her whole body like an organ.
An affront to what I used to know as “passion”.

At once the wilderness subsided
and we both froze then melted.
She stepped fully into me,
hesitation revealed to be
footprints parting in the sand
as evening tide approaches.
— Call it a kind of destiny
we’d read between the waves.

So I gave myself relentlessly,
inspired by that ferocity
eager claws know well to be
lurking beneath the dirt.
And finally, when she drew blood,
evinced our last temptation
— We shared her gristle-ridden lair
fused together, cast in crimson.

2020 - 2022 (3 poems)

Kansas sky – July 2022

This morning I watched a cloud fall to earth.
Once suspended in the Kansas sky
   now turned to vapor in my eye.
The eye which held a twinkle last night
Not from a star, but a lightning strike.
And here I gaze at Julie next to me
   She takes my cloud and twinkle and goes to sleep

Like jackals, lips slippery – May 2022

Jackal toes and bloody lips
On the wall trickles and drips
Slips then slows to a crawl
Let it all congeal.

The rabbit’s jellied members
Cousins found in burnt-up embers
Whether or not they come around
That hound still shrieks.

Festered paste birthed in mildew
Rancid stir of pustules brew
We the few who slurp that liqueur
While her dusty lips moan.

Fierce creature – January 2020

Fierce creature.
Her warm-armed currents
Race beneath hazy burgundy skies.
Pulsing violent,
Spewing caustic, emptying
Into basins which steam future desire,
Filled to quench days spent apart.